The online Mountain Seed Gallery sells collectible seeds for collecting. In the collection gallery, the smallest shopping basket starts at 25e. I wish you a shopping moment!

Gypsy Baron
Gypsy Baron
Gypsy Baron

Gypsy Baron

Product Code:320
Availability:Out Of Stock
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  • 2.80€

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10 seeds in a package
Tomato seeds are sold as a collector's item or as an ornamental plant for collecting and collections.
Sweet pepper Gypsy Baron (capsicum anuum) is a very pretty, purple when ripened sweet variety. It definitely is a gem of the garden full of mid-sized black peppers if it gets enough sun. When they are unripe black, they taste more tart like a green pepper. While in their fully ripened form when color changes from black to deep purple or purple, they taste full-bodied, sweet and refreshing. Perfect for salads, frying and pickling whole or sliced in half. Very productive variety with purple flowers and dark purple fruits. May grow both in greenhouse and outdoors. 100 days

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