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Yesil Tatli

Yesil Tatli
Yesil Tatli
Yesil Tatli
Yesil Tatli

Yesil Tatli

Product Code:325
Availability:Out Of Stock
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  • 2.80€

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10 seeds in a package
Tomato seeds are sold as a collector's item or as an ornamental plant for collecting and collections.
Sweet pepper Yesil Tatli (capsicum anuum) is a long-shaped beautiful and very tasty sweet pepper variety originating from Türkiye. The fruits are cone-shaped, easy to grow, 18-20 cm long and about 5 cm across. This pepper changes in colour from yellow-green over orange to dark-red. The flesh is medium thick with a rich flavour of pepper. In Türkiye the plods are gathered while they're green or yellow. It's the reason why the pepper is named as Yesil Tatli, because in Turkish language it means "sweet green". When it matures to red, they get more sweetness. The more frequently the fruits are gathered, the better yields are produced. Crunchy fresh fruits are great in salads. Turkish cuisine usually is served roasted or grilled. What about slicing some into shakshuka? The bush ~ 70 cm. High yielding variety suitable for growing both in the greenhouse and outdoors. Mid-early, 65 days.

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