The Curtis Cheek variety was named and registered in 2010.
The plant is indeterminate, very fertile, with regular foliage. The fruits are of oxheart type, elegantly
tapering, red with a dark orange tinge. There are almost no seed cavities. The color is red with a
dark orange-rich hue. The flesh is meaty, buttery, great slicer tomato.
This breed has its own story: “His name was Ross. He was 80 years old, about 45 years ago he had
emigrated from Russia to the United States. He brought some seeds with him and has been growing
them ever since. He never parted with his seeds and grew them in his garden every year. Once he
gave a passer-by entering the yard to taste the fruit. This happened in 2002. After eating the tomato,
the passer-by saved 2 seeds, of which only one seedling germinated the following year. 2010 this
variety of tomato was named Curtis Creek and registered.